五年级英语作文 篇1她1米65的匀称身材,披着微卷的长发,常穿着高跟鞋的她走起路来像个女兵似的精神焕发。她的皮肤粗糙且微黑,加上高挺的鼻梁和大大的嘴巴,使她走在校园里像是为外籍教师。没错,她就是我们的 英语老师信老师,她可是位地地道道的中国人。
以前学英语最怕记单词,从来都是死记硬背,但是信老师能够用各种各样的方法让我们记住每个单词。比如“strong”念“死壮”,意思是强壮,信老师为了让我们记住它,说:“这个人‘死’都要强 ‘壮’,能不强壮吗?所以‘强壮’用英语念做‘死状’”。虽然引来我们一阵大笑,但“strong”这个单词被我们永远的记住了。
在学习“but”这个单词时,信老师先在黑板上复习以前学过的单词“bus”,带领同学们念一遍,然后将“bus”中的“s”改为“t”,让同学们自己试着读,同学们很快就读出了正确读音,同样深深记 在脑海中。
信老师这种玩中带学,学中带玩的独特教育方法令我们班的`英语成绩直线上升 ……此处隐藏2717个字……he back of the piano will be more and more heavy, my clothes have been sweat soaked. And then practice two hours of erhu, I am not too hot. Has five points, I dragged his tired body back home again. Every day in July is so busy and full of harvest!
My August is much easier, in the morning I can sleep nine, ten o'clock, eat breakfast together, and then finished homework, and finally on the 2 to 3 hours network, watching TV, also to 5 o'clock The Ha ha. After dinner, my mom and aunt will go to the badminton hall to play an hour of the ball, or go to the swimming pool swimming, after the sport can be in the night stalls stunned meal. Summer cool wind, cool bean paste, how pleasant life ah!
Holiday, please you more violent it!